Human Library

Saturday, November 41:00—4:00 PMMerry RoomDuxbury Free Library77 Alden Street, Duxbury, MA, 02332

The Human Library is a Danish organization that works for social justice with the motto "unjudge someone." Through the Human Library organization, libraries and community organizations around the world can host their own “Human Library” events. These events create space for dialogue where topics surrounding identity and bias are discussed openly by "books.”

“Readers” are members of the public who will be attending the program and listening to “books” tell their stories in one-on-one or small group settings. “Readers” have the opportunity to choose with “books” they’d like to “check out” for short, 10-20 minute conversations where they can ask “books” questions about their lives and experiences. This is an opportunity for our community to learn about each other and listen to the impacts of prejudice and bias first-hand from people who have experienced it.

Attendance is free and open to all. Drop by any time in the 1-4pm window. 

No Registration Required