The Grounded Goodwife presents: What Should I Grow in My Medicinal Herb Garden? Part 2

Monday, May 27:00—8:00 PMZoom

What Should I Grow in My Medicinal Herb Garden?  is probably Grounded Goodwife's best-attended holistic Zoom presentation (even Ehris and Velya were surprised by its popularity!).

The pandemic propelled gardening to new heights. "Crisis gardening" doesn't apply only to fruit and vegetables. Many people are recognizing the healing powers of medicinal herbs.

This Part 2 presentation works equally well for newbies and people who attended the original program!

Home-grown herbal “superstars” can treat common ailments like anxiety, stress, nervousness, stomachache, sore throat, headache, colds, flu, and insomnia.

Whether this topic is brand-new to you, or you joined us for Part 1 and want to expand your medicinal herb garden, Ehris and Velya will introduce you to more herbs (and some surprise recipes!).

Mother Earth's medicine chest is full of healing herbs. Starting - or expanding - your herb garden isn’t as overwhelming as you may think – and spending time in a medicinal herb garden is healing by its very existence!

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