Threads of Duxbury's Past Gallery Talk: 1800s shawls

Tuesday, January 2311:00 AM—12:30 PMUpper LevelDuxbury Free Library77 Alden Street, Duxbury, MA, 02332

Kris Gaskin will give a Gallery Talk on Tuesday, January 23 at 11:00 on the second floor of the Duxbury Free Library in front of the display case.  

The Duxbury Rural and Historical Society will install a new display at the library on Tuesday, December 19.  We will be showcasing two shawls; the first is of Chinese influence, a red silk embroidered shawl dated 1835 - 1850. The second shawl is a Kashmir wool shawl dated 1850 - 1870. Both shawls will be shown with a dress from the same era.

This event is presented by the Clothing and Textiles Committee of the DRHS in partnership with the DFL.

No Registration Required